Poole nursing home closes after receiving “inadequate” evaluation

Poole nursing home closes.
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A nursing home in Poole has closed after an assessment by an independent regulator found it was providing sub-standard levels of care.

Sandringham House, located in Lower Parkstone, was assessed as “inadequate” in four areas including safety, effectiveness, responsiveness and monitoring in a report released at the end of March by the Care Quality Commission.

The nursing home was found to be closed several days after the report was released. Nobody answered the phone when The Breaker called for comment.

The report says that care was not planned and delivered in a way which protected people from the risk of harm, and the suitability of staff to work with older people was not always checked.

The report said although people were positive about the care they received care practices did not reflect best practice, including for people with dementia. People’s life histories and previous hobbies were not recorded and there was no recognition that people living with dementia should be involved and consulted about decisions affecting them.

Sandringham House was registered in 2011 with four single rooms and six shared rooms. Registered care categories include dementia, detention, physical disability and sensory impairment.

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