Nichola Hunter-Warburton
19 posts
I'm driven by a genuine curiosity about what makes people who they are—factors like the environment, culture, crime, and socioeconomic influences. I have diverse work experience, working in face-to-face fundraising for major UK charities, the corporate sector, social services, events and hospitality, and as a Communications Manager for a UK children's charity.
I hold a BA (Hons) in Sociology and Social Anthropology, and I'm currently pursuing an MA in Multimedia Journalism at Bournemouth University, accredited by the BJTC. My units include Documentary Journalism, Digital Journalism, Media and Global Challenges, Media Law, and Multimedia Reporting Skills. My journalism work earned me The Breaker's "Reporter of the Year" award at the 2024 Faculty of Media and Communication Awards.
'We value international students'
Bournemouth candidates call for just treatment of international students