Reach the Sky on mobile: Storify
Sky Go, the smartphone application from Sky is now on Android. Ilker Kocas focuses on the Android application and people's views via social media.
Editor’s pick
Here is our top stories for today's edition of The Breaker. Ilker Kocas the editor of Friday's edition picked the top stories of today's edition
Our selection of coffee places in Poole
There are two kinds of people. Those who love coffee and those who will learn to love coffee. If you belong to either group (and chances are you will), Ilker Kocas's photo essay explores the places to get your caffeine hit on Poole High Street.
Natenyahu visit might cause diplomatic tension with Turkey
The possible Israeli involvement in the oil reserves issue might cause a bigger conflict in the region. Ilker kocas looks at the possible conflict in the East Mediterranean Sea.
Bournemouth University to invest £140m
Bournemouth University is planning to invest £140m in its buildings and academic facilities. BU’s plan will run until 2018 and the money will be spend on new building projects and staff. Ilker Kocas looks at how the money will affect BU.
Occupy demand court chief talks: Storify
The Student Union at Bournemouth University organised a student forum in order to hear students' feelings on the Occupy protests. Ilker Kocas live tweeted the discussion.
Angry Birds to hit Facebook on Valentine’s Day
A Facebook version of the hugely successful mobile game 'Angry birds' will be launched this Valentine's day. The game has been downloaded over 500 million times, making it the most downloaded game of all time. Ilker Kocas looks at whether Facebook with its 850 million users will help 'Angry birds' to extend this record.
Fabio Cappelo resigned
Cappelo was managing England national football team since 2008. Recently Italian Football manager publicly criticized FA board for the decision to step team captain Terry down. Yesterday’s meeting was the first one since the Football Assassination’s decision to strip Terry from captaincy
10 things you mustn’t do for Valentine’s
Valentines Day is a nervous time for men all over the world. Have they brought the right gift? Have they spent enough? Ilker Kocas speaks to the ladies of Bournemouth about what they expect and don't expect for Valentines Day.