Prasanth Aby Thomas
21 posts
Postgraduate student of International Journalism at Bournemouth University. I have been a copywriter, visualiser, film maker, illustrator and public relations executive before and am pretty much interested in all topics under the sun.
I love creative non-fiction and am now experimenting on ways to integrate this genre into the rapidly evolving new media.
Follow me @prasanthathomas
Studies show that teenagers are increasingly disinterested in news and current affairs. News channels in India are yet to recognise teenagers as potential consumers. No effort is being taken to create content to attract them. Recognising it as an untapped market, here is a proposal for a news channel for Indian teenagers.
The ‘occupied’ Tibet
Tibet's problems under Chinese rule are receiving incresed global attention, in part thanks to protests and demonstrations around the world. China has responded, crushing rebellions and silencing writers, artists and the media. However, in the process, an entire culture may die out. Prasanth Aby Thomas reports.
No clear future for nuclear energy
Protests against nuclear energy are gaining importance across the globe. While authorities contemplate on the future of nuclear power, activists argue that the safety issues out-way the benefits. Prasanth Aby Thomas explores the issue.
‘I am very scared to go back’
The world is yet to come to terms with the deadliest earthquake that hit Japan last year. Prasanth Aby Thomas takes a look the at the country a year after the disaster.
Plea may speed up Guantanamo closure
The United States hopes that a guilty plea from a detainee at Guantanamo Bay could speed up the stalled 9/11 trial process. Prasanth Aby Thomas reports on the issue.
Wild in the garden
The Dorset and Somerset Wildlife Associations are launching the Wildlife Friendly Garden Contest aimed to appreciate contribution of gardeners to wildlife conservation. Prasanth Aby Thomas gives the details.
Editor’s pick: protests, online and offline
Racing against the deadline with excess amount of caffeine, we present a mix of international, national and local news from Boscombe and Poole to Syria, Nigeria and Afghanistan. Prasanth Aby Thomas from the editor's desk.
Winton looks for a flea market
Winton, one of the popular shopping areas of Dorset is considering a plan to open a flea market on Saturdays. Prasanth Aby Thomas talks to the people behind the idea.
Outrage in Afghanistan: Storify
American troops in Afghanistan are at the centre of controversy after burning copies of Koran along with rubbish. Prasanth Aby Thomas takes a look at reactions through social media from Afghanistan.