BIC holds Hotel and Catering show

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Hotel and Catering show to improve Bournemouth local economy, said businessmen.

Hotel and Catering Show is organised in Bournemouth International Centre (BIC) for two days, March 5-6 aiming to create a high value environmental for chefs and senior professionals to increase their knowledge, network, business effectiveness and the profitability of their establishments.

The events run by Evisstar Limited and sponsored by 37 sponsores.

Robbie Taylor, of Antrim Carpets company said: “When we heard about this even we thought that it is an area we have been looking for marketing our products through.”

He added: “We looking forward to expand our opportunities through hotels and guest houses.”

Chas Hershaw, of Henkelman company said: “Hotel and Catering Show can provide better chances for the local economy particularly hotels and restaurants by improving the quality.”

Clive Cracknell, of Wedderburn Company believes that local businessmen could benefit from this event by seeing other outlets, which show their products.

“It is a golden chance to market our products and finding new customers,” he said .

Main photo: Zapp Umbrellas

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