Local people gave their views about the latests fallout on Brexit, and whether or not they had changed their minds on the referendum.

In a poll of 50 Bournemouth residents, Breaker has revealed that 15% have changed their minds on Brexit since the initial vote.
Of those people who changed their minds, all of them revealed that they have decided now to remain, rather than their original vote to leave. However, it can also be said that for some people who voted remain, even after three years they believe the result of the referendum should be respected.
Catherine Gallagher, an elderly retired women from Bournemouth says she initially voted to leave the EU but if she voted again would vote to remain.
“I don’t think the European Union want Great Britain to leave, and I think that they’re annoyed with Great Britain. I think if we do end up leaving they will make as many laws as possible to make it awkward and more difficult if we do come out.”
Rosalind Harvey from Bournemouth said on the topic: “We were misled. I think it was an immigration issue personally. We weren’t sold the facts properly and weren’t told them at the time”.
Many migrants we spoke to felt Brexit was bringing much uncertainty for huge amounts of people.
Hector, originally from Spain, moved to the UK a year ago with his British wife and young child: “it was difficult to get a job in Spain, here is very easy”.
He continued: “I work at McDonalds and sometimes older people come in and they say we don’t want immigrants, we speak English here – but it doesn’t bother me”.
Kevin Rodriguez, a 23 year old Venezuelan student with Spanish decent said, “my nationality is Spanish and if they leave it will be difficult for me to find work.”
The Breaker has found that many people felt as though they had been lied to, and that the uprising has been caused by mass misinformation.
David and Ann Mayor from Manchester said that: “There’s a lack of trust in politicians, especially Boris Johnson. Boris Johnson thinks he’s above the law”.
Some people have found the whole idea of Brexit overwhelming, with Katie Hall from Bournemouth saying ” I can’t control Brexit now, what is my vote going to do? Ages ago I voted to stay, but now I don’t really know anything about it”
Other residents we spoke to said:
“I want there to be a second referendum, I don’t want a general election I want a second referendum.”
“It’s affecting work, people are watching their money more.”
“Travel. I mean its like my kids, if he wants to go travelling its going to be harder for him”
“I think it will be more complicated travelling between Europe and the UK.”
“I’m no longer a Brexiteer at all. I was slightly one at the beginning, but I didn’t vote because I wasn’t confident, but now I’m definitely remain after seeing this chaos.”
Breaker contributors to this article: Roxanne Cooper-Costello, Roxanne Mckenzie, Kerrie Hall, Casuan Caudle, Simmey Donaldson-Hannifin, Lisa Hayward, Lauren Miles, Sian Morris, Minh Trang Nguyen, Juliana Nicolini, Karl August Swanstrom and Chaar Yates.