A newly formed cheerleading squad has come to Bournemouth University. BU Falcons, a two-week old cheerleading society, has just started their official training. [wpcol_1half id=”” class=”” style=””]
Lead by Marnie and Jenn, the team currently have twelve members working on tumbling, dance, jumps and cheers.
They launched a trial section last Saturday to showcase what it takes to become part of the cheer-leading team.
“The event went really really well, it was so much fun. I was looking forward to coming here today.” said Marnie Joyce, co-captain of BU Falcons.
[/wpcol_1half] [wpcol_1half_end id=”” class=”” style=””][jwplayer config=”Custom Player_small-aside” mediaid=”21009″]The BU Falcons co-captains Marnie Joyce and Jenn Kieser take the time to talk to The Breaker [/wpcol_1half_end]
The BU Falcons are practicing hard in the hope of cooperating with other BU sports teams and cheer for events.
[wpcol_1half id=”” class=”” style=””]They are also looking for talented new recruits to make a solid team of Falcons.
“As long as you are passionate about cheer-leading, any university students are welcome to join”, said coach Anna Busby.
The members of this society will be selected through a tryout process.
Candidates will be asked to perform a cheer and dance that will be taught by the active coach.
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The team practices every Saturday and Monday from 8pm to 10pm in Talbot Hall.
All Images: Karen Yun