Manager Lee Bradbury advised footballers ‘not to be too disappointed’ after AFC Bournemouth lost its unbeaten title in away run after the one-goal defeat by Chesterfield F. C. in their home field on B2net Stadium.
Cherries lost its first away game since September 2011 after Spireites’s Liam Ridehalgh made the only goal into the top corner in the 55th minute of the game giving Flahavanno chance.
There were a couple opportunities for the Cherries to get the game ahead. The first one arrived only seven minutes into the match, but Shaun McDonalds efforts was waisted as the ball fell wide of the post leaving the first half with no action.
A scary moment happened for Cherries when there was a slip of Stephane Zuba. Then, Spireites tried their chances a few times with Jack Lester trying to score from the edge of the field.
Bournemouth team got additional three minutes to try their chances on Chesterfield team. That didn’t bring any luck, leaving Cherries lost with the team on the 23rd position in the league table.
Cherries Manager, Lee Bradbury said after the game: “I think both managers would be stood here saying it was a fair result. It was a great goal that opened us up and to be fair to the lad, it was a great strike, and it was the moment that changed the game.”