Christchurch’s Charity donations plummet

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The Sue Ryder Care shop in Lymington Road, Christchurch has suffered a 35% decrease in donations over the past few months. Annette Hawksworth Assistant Shop Manager said that one of the primary causes for the lack of donations is the pensioner boom in the last few years, ” The lack of donations means we are limited to what we can sell ” They are hoping for more donations of furniture and electrical products.

The charity organisation has 400 shops across the UK, the money is sent to hospices, and special care for those of all ages suffering with illnesses such as Cancer, Huntingdon’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.

When asked if she was worried for the future of the shop in the on going recession Ms. Hawksworth said ” The challenge will be if that continues, we would have to raise prices which might affect our customers” It was also noted that as the financial costs of Hospices increase so will the pressure on the shop to provide more funds.

In an effort to raise awareness and attract customers, each shop in the UK will be planning a promotional event later this year as well as another special event on July 3rd, the birthday of the deceased founder of the charity, Sue Ryder. There will also be a Charity event later this year at Highcliffe Castle, the date not yet confirmed. They welcome volunteers and even offer work experience to students.

To learn more about this Charity and how you can help please visit

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