Council to improve Boscombe housing

Plans to set up a trust to improve housing conditions in Boscombe are underway, the council announced at a regeneration meeting on Saturday.
Boscombe housing
Improvement in housing will attract people to Boscombe (image by Chris Downer)

Plans to set up a trust to improve housing conditions in Boscombe are underway, Bournemouth Council announced at a regeneration meeting on Saturday.

Community Land Trust will work together with Bournemouth 2026 to invest development funding or government grants into the renovation and refurbishment of private flats said the head of Bournemouth Council.

Chief Executive Pam Donnellan said: “Housing is one of the key factors that is causing levels of deprivation to remain in Boscombe.

“The current housing conditions in Boscombe are encouraging a transient population in the area. We need to make young families feel that it is a vibrant and safe community.”

Its main focus will be central Boscombe around Churchill Gardens and the Crescent.

The council said it will work with private landlords and housing associations in the area to provide a range of housing available.

Mrs Donnellan said: “There is always a profit element with the private sector, but they acknowledge there is a social responsibility as well. We’re delighted with that and we are working well with private landlords.”

The initiative will address problems around housing, unemployment and antisocial behaviour.

It will involve health providers, voluntary sector, local business people, education and police.

“Problems with housing in Boscombe have been going on for several decades. The initiative will look at new and different ways to make a lasting improvement,” she said.

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