Cycle hire scheme concerns

Bournemouth Council is proposing a cycle hire scheme to encourage residents, tourists and students to cycle regularly. If the scheme goes ahead docking stations will be placed around Bournemouth and will operate like the Barclays Cycle Hire (BCH) scheme in London.
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Bournemouth Council is proposing a cycle hire scheme to encourage residents, tourists and students to cycle regularly.

If the scheme goes ahead docking stations will be placed around Bournemouth and will operate like the Barclays Cycle Hire (BCH) scheme in London.

However, Bournemouth Councillor Mike Greene has concerns that hills such as on Bath Road and Richmond Hill would deter people from cycling.

“My real concern is in London it is pretty much all flat, it was found that in some parts of London where there were steep hills the scheme really wasn’t suitable and they found there wasn’t a demand for it.

“In Bournemouth there aren’t really enough places that people want to travel between,” said Cllr Greene.

At the Environment and Transport scrutiny panel meeting last Tuesday, Cllr Sue Anderson voiced concerns about the safety of a cycling scheme in Bournemouth.

She said that cyclists do not abide by the Highway Code: “few wear helmets or have lights on their bikes or wear the appropriate clothing”.

The panel set up a “Task and Finish” group to manage the development of the cycle hire scheme and to assess whether it would be financially viable for Bournemouth.

Cyclists Cllr Mike Greene, Cllr Christopher Wakefield and Cllr Dennis Gritt have been elected onto the Task and Finish group.

“It is obviously a fantastic idea. If Bournemouth’s residents, tourist and its students were to make it work then that would be fantastic” said Cllr Greene.

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