Editors picks

Editor Ian McCreery takes us through his picks of the crop of fine stories this week.
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So, another week finished at The Breaker and its been a fun one and an interesting one. We have stories focusing upon WikiLeaks newest email release, Apples invitational event and what we anticipate what it will be, the Olympics least well known but one of the most exciting sports, Handball and many other delights for you to read.

Below Ashley takes us through what WikiLeaks has been releasing in its cables.
[FMP height=”360″]http://www.thebreaker.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/ashley-leaks2.m4v[/FMP]

Andria lets us in to the story behind Apples mysterious invitational event.
[FMP height=”360″]http://www.thebreaker.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/andrea-apple.m4v[/FMP]

As I mentioned before there are many other stories to read on this weeks exciting edition of The Breaker so make sure you read on and enjoy yourself as much as we did bringing you the stories. I’ll leave you with a lovely video of my final words to the team and handing over to next weeks editor Mark Perry.

[FMP height=”360″]http://www.thebreaker.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/ian.m4v[/FMP]
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