Fast broadband access is a top priority for Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP), which will be launched in April.

The local broadband plan is already shaped in order to gain almost £10 million from the government to improve access to broadband for more than 170,000 premises, both business and residential.
The organisation will work towards attracting new businesses and supporting existing enterprises, particularly in rural areas. Their main aim is to improve communications and connectivity across the local industry.
LEP will be working in partnership with the Dorset local authorities for the project. The board which manages LEP was formed in last December with nine members from the business community, 6 from local authority and an academic representative.
Gordon Page, LEP Chairman, said: “There’s no doubt that these are challenging economic times both nationally and globally, but as a board we strongly believe that the new Dorset LEP will position the county in a far better position to attract vital new investment, to create more and better skilled jobs whilst harnessing the potential of our fabulous natural environment.”
LEP is a contribution to the government’s agenda of rebuilding and rebalancing the economy by joining the strengths of the local business and the local authorities.
Mr Page added: “We know this is a great place to do business, but we need to get that message out not just to the UK but to the rest of the globe!”