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26 posts
TEENNEWS! is a news channel for teenagers in Poland in which all multimedia will be used, similarly to the news channels for adults but with more creative use of pictures and graphics to make them more compelling for the young audience.
For the kids, by the kids!
How do you make news appeal to teenagers? How do you appeal to such a diverse demographic as teenagers? Let them define their own interests...
WHYZ? (What’s happening youth zone)
WHYZ? the news channel for young people age 13 to 19 aims to be inclusive, diverse and positive. Ideas for the highly interactive Channel are set out here.
The Low Down: a news channel for teenagers
In this blog The Breaker's Rebecca Hussain discusses ideas for a TV news channel and website aimed at teenagers in the UK.
Teen Voice – The news channel for teenagers
Teen Voice - A channel made to get teenagers interested in news.
Net News; TV news for teens
Teenagers today are referred to as the Net Generation, otherwise known as the media literate audience. This young market has been starved from important news that is easy to digest.
Soch: news for Pakistan’s youth
Youth literacy rate in Pakistan is estimated to be 53 percent and, in an age of digital media, even those who can read are slowly giving up newspapers. Soch or Think offers fresh and alternative views on some of the most pressing issues in the region.
News For Youth
Why watch the news but not sometime more casual after a heavy school day? Current research shows that youths are not so much looking for ‘news’ but a sense of belonging to their own life. News For Youth aims to bring Hong Kong teenagers back to watch news program more often with subjects that they are interested in.
Youth News Today
As teenagers and young adults turn over from the news Ian McCreery takes a look at ways the media can get teenagers interested in world events.