Fewer than 20% of households in Poole have signed up to the new green bin scheme that starts in March 2012.
Poole Borough Council has introduced an annual charge of £31 for the collection of green waste.

But so far 18.67% of Poole residents has signed up for the service that starts at the beginning of March 2012.
Poole homeowner, Tracey Danvers thinks that the chargeable service is good value for money: “We signed up to the service last month, we signed up because we got it for £21 instead of £31 by signing up early.
“We have split that with our next door neighbour so only paying £11 each, which for six months of service I think is pretty good value.”
The council is offering a 30% discount on the annual charge of £31, if residents sign up to the scheme before the 31st March 2012.
Councillor Xena Dion, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for the Environment, said: “We are expecting a lot of people to come in at the last minute because by human nature we always leave things to the last minute.
“When we did the survey in the summer we knew that over 95% of the surveys that responded wanted the green bin scheme and they wanted it equally across Poole.”
Homeowners that do not sign up to this scheme will have to give up their green bins and either compost or take their garden waste to local recycling centres or to mobile green waste sites.