Southbourne man guilty of fleeing after car collision

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A Southbourne man pleaded guilty to two offences including running off and failure to report to the police  24 hours after a car collision.

The court heard Mark Phillip Coltman, 33, failed to give  way to a car when it was trying to overtake when he was driving a Ford Fiesta in Westborne on 4th November last year. The female driver of the second car injured her hand in the accident. Coltman left the spot without reporting it and rushed to his friend’s home.

Coltman’s solicitor said his client’s behaviour was due to a mental health issue. He said, Coltman told him that he was in a daze and was confused and emotionally fragile after the accident. He collapsed in his friend’s home. The medical evidence from Coltman’s doctor was showed to the court. The solicitor also said Coltman also had problem with parents and a broken relationship.

Coltman was given six penalty points and conditional bail for six months during which he must cause no trouble. He was ordered to pay £85 court costs.

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