Businesses near Tuckton Bridge fear they will lose money while the crossing is closed for maintenance.
Totally Ink, the nearest shop to the roundabout on Tuckton Road, says: “If they totally shut the bridge off, like we’ve heard rumours of for about 4 weeks, then it will affect us getting to work and our clients getting to us as well.”
As per government notice sent to the shops, the bridge will be closed from 30 March, for two weeks over Easter.
Other businesses are also voicing their concerns over chaos caused by the ongoing works to Tuckton Roundabout.
The Riverside pub says it’s timed refurbishments to coincide with the closure because it expects to lose a lot of trade.
“We are closed to the end of the month for six weeks for refurbishment”, says the restaurant.
There will be no right turns into or out of the Riverside Harvester, as the roadworks will create a “parallel crossing” for cyclists and pedestrians with an improved road surface at each junction of the roundabout.
Leonardo Magalhães, owner of The Pie House on Tuckton Road, complains about obstacles they face.
The busy junction sees around 30,000 commuters travel through every day. Some tell The Breaker they are worrying about gridlock.
Video produced by reporter Shaun Wang
The council claims that safety is the main goal of the roadwork to Tuckton Roundabout.
Councillor Mike Greene, cabinet member for transport, says: “The whole idea of this scheme is to make the roundabout safer for pedestrians and cyclists.”